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Thousands of people suffer from gum disease, some studies estimate an average of 7/10 adults are afflicted. While the road to periodontitis or gum disease can be very easy to spot for those who struggle to maintain a steady dental care routine or visit their dentist on a regular basis, there are many cases where severe gum disease can be triggered or made worse by genetic conditions leading to gum...

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Dental implants are procedures that are designed to replace missing or damaged tooth roots with a high-quality, surgical-grade alternative that can function very similarly to the natural root. These titanium replacements are not just placeholders, they’re engineered to maintain the function of natural teeth when placed directly into the jaw bone and become integrated with the natural biological...

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Dental implants have changed the way we look at tooth loss from accidents or gum disease. They offer a stable and good-looking alternative to other options. High-quality implants done by a skilled periodontist near you can drastically improve your oral health and how you feel about your smile. They’re more than just a replacement; they’re a long-term investment in your well-being. At The Perio...

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What Conditions Do Periodontists Treat?

Posted on 20 March 2024

Periodontists are doctors who specialize in treating gum disease, from prevention to diagnosis and treatment. While this is not all that periodontists are limited to, their deep understanding and practice with the gums help patients enhance, protect, and restore this smile. In practice, your periodontist in Oshawa can provide you with a number of services. At The Perio Centre, the goal is to...

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When you’re struggling with gum sensitivity or other periodontal ailments, the expertise of a periodontist will help with  the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of periodontal disease, the placement of dental implants, and more. Our experts at The Perio Centre, in the treatment of oral inflammation, including gum sensitivity, can offer treatments aimed at gum regeneration and maintaining...

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Gum pockets are not just a minor inconvenience; they are a significant risk factor for advanced periodontal diseases, signaling the need for immediate attention from a periodontist in Oshawa. These pockets, formed between the teeth and gums, become breeding grounds for bacteria, leading to inflammation, infection, and ultimately, the destruction of the supporting structures of the teeth. Without...

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How Dental Implants Can Improve Your Smile

Posted on 12 February 2024

Your smile is an important facial feature. It affects first impressions and guides communication. If you're missing a tooth or have an extraction planned, dental implants with Dr. Adam Ohayon and The Perio Centre team can revamp your smile. Not only will it restore the look of your smile and maintain your youthful appearance, but implants also work like natural teeth to help you chew, talk, laugh,...

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Periodontists are doctors who focus on gum health. Leading periodontal specialists are trained to expertly diagnose, prevent, and treat ailments and conditions that directly affect the gums, also known as the periodontium. The gums are a vital part of the anatomy and physiology of the mouth. Their health plays a significant role in the wellness of the jaw and the longevity of teeth. When gums...

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How Smoking Can Trigger Gum Recession

Posted on 29 January 2024

Gum health is a cornerstone of oral wellness, yet it's often overlooked. Healthy gums are not just important for a beautiful smile; they are crucial for overall dental health. Tobacco products pose a significant threat to this vital aspect of our oral care. Understanding the impact of smoking on your gums, particularly in relation to gum recession can help you better care for your oral health....

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If you’ve been told that you’re at risk for tooth loss or you’ve been struggling with missing teeth, options are available. At The Perio Centre, Dr. Adam Ohayon and our team of experts will provide you with tailored care based on the condition of your teeth so you can improve the quality of your smile and, in turn, your quality of life.

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When Is It Too Late To Reverse Gum Disease?

Posted on 22 December 2023

Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, is a prevalent oral health issue that progresses gradually, potentially leading to severe complications if left unaddressed. More than 65% of Canadians have experienced some signs and symptoms of gum disease at some point. In its early stages, gingivitis is reversible with a healthy lifestyle and regular dental care at home.

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What Causes Deep Gum Pockets?

Posted on 18 December 2023

Deep gum pockets can be an unwelcome adversary in oral health, often signalling the onset of gum disease. These pockets are created when the gums pull away from the teeth, creating spaces that leave the area susceptible to harmful bacteria.

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