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Risks Associated with Delaying Gum Grafting

Posted on October 14, 2024

gum graft surgery

Gum grafting is a beneficial periodontal treatment designed to restore missing or receding gum tissue. Your gums can recede for a number of reasons, including periodontitis or severe gum disease, aggressive brushing, which strips away the gums, genetics, smoking, aging, and more. Because your gums are essential to protecting your overall health and holding your teeth in place, it's important to get the proper care. As the recession progresses, it can be tempting to hold off on proceeding with gum grafting or gum regeneration treatments, but it's always best to make your oral care a priority. Working with a trusted and experienced periodontist in Oshawa, Whitby, and the nearby areas at The Perio Centre, you can be confident that you will receive high-quality care and tailored treatment options that help you restore your smile. 

When not treated at the recommended time with gum grafting, the recession of the gums will progress, leaving more and more of the tooth root exposed and advancing the effects of gum disease. Periodontists and dental professionals recommend prioritizing gum grafting to mitigate the advancement of gum disease, further risk to your oral health and regression of the gum tissues. 

Here are some risks you can avoid by prioritizing gum grafting treatments with Dr. Adam Ohayon and The Perio Centre team.

Increased Vulnerability to Tooth Decay

As gum recession progresses, more of the tooth root (the part of the tooth that is typically below the gum line) becomes exposed. When exposed to receding gums, the tooth root is more susceptible to decay or cavities than the rest of the tooth, which is protected by its enamel. Gum grafting procedures help to restore the missing gum tissue, which protects the tooth, helping to minimize cavities, decay, and damage. 

Delaying gum grafting increases the likelihood of decay at the root level, which can lead to more invasive treatments such as root canals or even extractions.

Chance of Gum Pockets and Infections

When gum recession goes untreated by a periodontist near you, it will typically result in gum pockets as it pulls and lifts from the bones and other dental structures. This opening beneath the gum makes it easier for bacteria to accumulate and cause infections or damage the soft tissue and bones. When pockets in the gum become too deep, Periodontal flap surgery, which involves lifting back the gums to clean and treat the roots, may be required.

In many cases, investing in gum grafting can prevent pockets from forming altogether by strengthening the gums and protecting the tooth beneath it. 

More Tooth Sensitivity

With the exposure of tooth roots comes increased sensitivity. If you've ever experienced a sharp, painful sensation when consuming hot, cold, or sweet foods, this could be a sign of tooth root exposure due to gum recession. The discomfort can significantly impact your quality of life, making it difficult to enjoy certain foods or beverages. Timely gum grafting can help cover these nerves that contribute to tooth sensitivity and restore comfort to your daily eating habits.

Higher Risk of Tooth Loss

Severe gum recession, if not treated with periodontal treatment like gum grafting, can lead to reduced tooth stability, and ultimately, it can significantly increase the chances of tooth loss. The gums play a crucial role in supporting your teeth, and as they recede, the bone structure that holds your teeth in place can also begin to deteriorate. Untreated gum recession can cause teeth to loosen, shift, or fall out entirely. When this happens, more complex treatments, such as dental implants, may be needed.. When teeth are missing, it can quickly affect your quality of life, interfering with how you eat, talk, or smile. When tooth loss occurs, our periodontist in Oshawa recommends dental implants as they offer a similar feel and function to natural teeth. However, before proceeding with dental implants, it's also essential to ensure that your gums and jaw bone are in the right condition, which may mean other periodontal treatments prior, like gum grafting and guided tissue regeneration. 

Reduced Bone Density in Jaw

When gum recession results in tooth loss, it can also spell trouble for the jaw bone. Where the tooth root would typically stimulate the bone, its absence can cause the bone to slowly deteriorate. This process of bone resorption can make future periodontal treatments, such as dental implants, more challenging. 

Embrace Gum Grafting with a Trusted Periodontist in Oshawa 

If a periodontist near you has recommended gum grafting, it's a good idea to make the treatment a priority, as it will help you reduce the chance of bone loss and tooth loss by strengthening your gums. At The Perio Centre, regardless of where you are in your oral health journey, our team will provide you with tailored solutions and treatment options that improve your quality of life. 

Gum grafting is a highly beneficial treatment. If you've been facing increased tooth sensitivity, seeing more of your tooth root, experiencing tender, swollen, or inflamed gums, or you've been diagnosed with advanced gum disease, gum grafting could be the solution. To learn more, book a consultation with Dr. Adam Ohayon and The Perio Centre team. 

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