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How Nutrition Contributes to Healthy Gums

Posted on July 12, 2024


Healthy gums can be overlooked, but oral health can significantly affect your overall well-being. Holistic periodontal care and gum health include prioritizing periodontal treatments such as gum grafting, gum regeneration, and periodontal flap surgery with a reputable periodontist like Dr. Adam Ohayon at The Perio Centre. A periodontist offers treatment options that protect and strengthen your gums, extending longevity and comfort. If you are working on your gum health, it’s also important that you consider nutrition.

The Relationship Between Food and Gum Disease

Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, is a common condition that affects a significant portion of Canadian adults. It causes infection, inflammation, and irritation that compromises the gums and the structures supporting the teeth. While there are a number of factors that accelerate the progression of gum disease, from insufficient oral hygiene to lifestyle and genetics, diet also plays a significant role in either exacerbating or mitigating the condition. Certain foods can worsen gum disease by promoting plaque formation and inflammation and weakening the immune system.

To learn more about how a healthy and balanced diet can contribute to gum health, read on.

Foods That Make Gum Disease Worse 

Sugars and refined carbohydrates can often make gum disease worse. Sugar increases and attracts bacteria and produces harsh acids that irritate the gums and increase plaque buildup. Balancing sugar and refined carbohydrate consumption can reduce the advancement of gum disease and mitigate the opportunity for infection.

Periodontists in Whitby also recommend staying away from sticky foods that can get trapped around the teeth and gum line, contributing further to cavities, plaque, and tartar buildup. If you are eating or snacking on sticky food and candies, it’s important to engage in proper dental care, including brushing your teeth and flossing, to remove any remnants and debris that have stayed around your gums and teeth for too long.  

Foods That Support Healthy Gums

On the other hand, certain foods and nutrients can be incorporated into your diet to help promote healthy gums and reduce the impact of gum disease. Vitamins C and D, calcium, omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and probiotics are all particularly important in supporting better gum health. Incorporating a variety of nutrient-dense foods such as leafy greens like spinach and kale, dairy products, and a wide range of fruits, vegetables, and nuts can significantly improve gum health and mitigate the progression of periodontal disease. 

Other Steps You Can Take to Protect Your Smile 

Reviewing your diet and ensuring your nutrition supports your smile is one step to healthier gums, but if you notice signs of gum disease such as gum recession, tender gums, irritation, bleeding, or tartar buildup, it’s best to book a consultation with a professional. At The Perio Centre, Dr. Adam Ohayon, a leading periodontist serving Whitby, Oshawa, and the surrounding areas, offers high-quality periodontal treatments like gum grafting, gum regeneration, and periodontal flap surgery that restore and strengthen your gums. We offer tailored treatment options and personalized guidance to preserve the future of your smile and improve your quality of life. To learn more about options from scaling and hygiene treatments, periodontal surgery, and more. 

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