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If your gums and teeth have been affected by gum disease, gum grafting is a highly effective treatment to restore strength to your gums and protect your teeth. To learn more about gum grafting, guided tissue regeneration, and other beneficial periodontal treatments, book a consultation with a leading periodontist in Oshawa, Dr. Adam Ohayon.

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Periodontal flap surgery is often recommended for patients who have not responded well to non-surgical treatments such as scaling and root planing. It is most suitable for individuals experiencing advanced periodontitis, where the gum tissue has pulled away from the teeth, forming deep pockets that are difficult to clean with conventional methods. These pockets can attract and retain bacteria,...

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How to Ensure Your Dental Implants Last

Posted on 16 August 2024

Dental implants in Oshawa are a long-lasting tooth replacement option that can even last a lifetime with proper care at home and check-ins with a reputable periodontist near you.  At The Perio Centre, Dr. Adam Ohayon and the entire team offer skilled dental implant services in Oshawa, Whitby, and the nearby areas. We tailor our services to your specific needs to help you restore your smile. 

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Learning that you have advanced gum disease can be scary, leaving many people feeling hopeless about the future of their smile and the longevity of their teeth. While gum disease can be harmful to your overall well-being, it can be prevented, reversed, and maintained with the right periodontal treatments. Of course, your relationship with gum disease will depend on how advanced the disease is and...

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Healthy gums can be overlooked, but oral health can significantly affect your overall well-being. Holistic periodontal care and gum health include prioritizing periodontal treatments such as gum grafting, gum regeneration, and periodontal flap surgery with a reputable periodontist like Dr. Adam Ohayon at The Perio Centre. A periodontist offers treatment options that protect and strengthen your...

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When it starts, gum disease starts as gingivitis, a troubling but seemingly minor affliction that affects your gums. However as it progresses and turns into more advanced gum disease, the symptoms become more challenging to live with and the impact on your overall health also become more severe. If you’re struggling with gum disease that’s worsening, it’s a good idea to visit a specialist....

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Your gums are an important part of the anatomy and physiology, although it can often be overlooked. Depending on the current condition and health of your gums, your doctor may recommend a gum graft surgery. While surgery can sound like an intimidating periodontal treatment, this procedure can offer many long-lasting benefits that improve your quality of life. At The Perio Centre, Dr. Adam Ohayon...

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There are many ways in which diabetes can impact your life, including your gum health, but the prevalent disease does not have to control you. The best way to protect your smile is to understand how diabetes can alter and disrupt your gum health. If you’re concerned, talk to a medical professional or book a visit at The Perio Centre to speak to a leading periodontist in Oshawa. Our team offers a...

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Gum grafting is a procedure offered by periodontists to address gum recession or exposed tooth roots, which typically occurs as a result of periodontitis or gum disease. When performed by certified and reputable periodontists, this periodontal treatment not only helps restore health to your smile but also helps minimize the risk of gum disease, cavities, infections, and sensitivity in the future...

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3 Common Myths About Dental Implants

Posted on 13 May 2024

Dental implants can be a game-changer for a smile. If you’re not sure whether it's right for you, contact The Perio Centre to book a consultation with Dr. Adam Ohayon to get the best options for you. Read on!

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When your dentist recommends you see a periodontist in Oshawa or Whitby for additional care, it can be alarming, but the extra support from a specialist is a rewarding experience for most people who find themselves struggling with conditions like gum disease. Periodontists are able to provide tailored treatments and result-oriented solutions using advanced equipment and expertise in the realm of...

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